Ivy’s Warning

A few days had passed since I started training the knight's order. I had planned to stay in town only for a few days before going back to the forest with the group, but the sad state of the knights got the best of me, and I couldn't leave them as weak as they were.

I used that time to incorporate Reinar and the princess into our training too. They were already more skillful in magic than any of the knights, but when it came down to physical combat, they both were as weak as someone would expect a 14-year-old to be.

However, I didn't want them to focus too much on building physical strength but to focus on technique and reflexes. Mages as good as them didn't need a weapon to fight, but they should be able to protect themselves if anyone was skillful enough to get close to them.

Early in the mornings, we started with cardio, where all of the knights would run around the courtyard for half an hour without breaks. After that, they were sent to the "gym section" to train their muscles.