Black Dragon Serpent (Part 2)

Nighttime had fallen on the forest that suddenly turned into a battlefield.

The advance of the monsters called "ananta" made my group and the rest of the adventurers retreat before they could catch up.

I passed potions around to everyone, stamina, MP, and healing, to keep everyone in top shape. The least I wanted to happen was for someone to die, especially if I had the means to prevent it.

With the night sky covering the field, the forest's visibility became even worse. Even if we advanced to fight the ananta with all our might, their perception in the dark was much better than a human's.

Without having much time to think, I decided to use light magic to create a giant luminous mote and suspend it above us, like a huge light bulb.

Realizing my plan, the rest of my group decided to copy me and created their own massive light motes, then placed them in the air to illuminate the entire battlefield.