An Eerie Feeling

While searching the bottom of the sea, I felt a strange presence that my "search" spell wasn't picking up.

It was such an eerie feeling, part of me wanted to know what it was, and the other part of me was telling me to run away. I decided to do the latter and look for the others before venturing deeper.

I propelled myself out of the water and into the air, then used a mix of air and fire magic to produce a warm wind around me and dry my clothes.

When flying toward the pier, I saw both Vespera and Melina arriving. While discussing our findings with each other, it turned out that both of them had the same dangerous idea as me and went into the water to search closer.

I sighed, knowing that if any of them had gotten into a fight with the Kraken, it could have ended badly.

("Maybe we shouldn't split up next time…") I thought.

However, when I asked if they had seen something, they both answered in the negative.