The Villagers’ Saints

Melina and I flew for hours after leaving End Town.

Our task was to help people rebuild their destroyed villages that had been razed by Armaro's monsters. However, they were all quite far from our town, so it would take us a few days to reach them, even when flying.

As the sun set, we descended next to the dirt road and raised a small home with earth magic for us to camp, followed by a fire pit to keep us warm.

It took us three full days of flying to get to the first destroyed village, a small deserted area with no more than ten homes and a well in the center. It was a small farming village that had lost all its crops during the attack.

As we descended from the sky, a man spotted us and started running in a panic, thinking that we were monsters.

'Come on, man. We very clearly look like humans…' I thought as we touched the ground, making the man fall on his rear.