Raw Gemstones

I woke up the next day in my room in the castle with one thing in mind. I was visiting a jewelry store.

I needed to get gemstones to practice the magic that I wanted to create, and after Gina arrived in my room, I asked her to show me the closest one to the castle.

Melina arrived with Carli not even two minutes later, asking why I wanted to go to the jewelry store, so I told them I needed the gems for something new. However, I didn't elaborate on the extent of my plans.

After having breakfast, we made our way to the store, which was the closest to the castle. However, this meant that it was also the most expensive one.

It was a large room with white and gold walls, the counters were filled with jewelry of different shapes and sizes, and the chandelier hanging from the ceiling produced light magic, illuminating the store and pronouncing the gemstones glint even more.