The Knights’ Tournament (Part 2)

Melina kept on introducing the different knight orders to the spectators.

"Up next, we have the knights that protect our borders from danger and keep the terrors from the Illusive Woods at bay. Give it up for the Knights 7th Order!" the princess exclaimed.

As the people roared, the knights of the 7th made their entrance, looking quite confident.

Their group had gone through some of my training, which was already showing some of the results. Nevertheless, they still didn't look as mighty as my knights.

Commander Valentina received even more cheers as she stepped into the arena, making me realize she was more popular with the people than I expected.

After the entrance of the 7th, I could hear some of the guests discussing with each other.

"Did the 4th give up?" a random man asked.

"Well, they were last every time. Maybe they wanted to save themselves the embarrassment…" another replied.

*pfft* I scoffed.