The Droman Empire

The following day after our strange experience in the Illusive Woods, we woke up early to not waste the sunlight and prepared to cross the forest by flying.

Before we left, Valentina told us that she would be escorting the Droman soldiers to the capital, so I gave her a voice crystal in case she needed to contact me.

I had left voice crystals for Melina, Triana, Reinar, and the King, but now that Valentina was at the border and there was a chance of weird things happening, I gave one to her, too.

Gina, Vespera, and I climbed to the top of the border wall and began flying from there onwards to the Droman Empire while Yoru stayed in my shadow.

We had to fly above the Illusive Woods, which we considered to be pretty safe compared to what we saw when we descended the previous day.

While it seemed like the forest's illusions couldn't reach us so high up in the air, I still asked the pair to be wary since we knew nothing about the area.