The Sultan of Aridonia

After Vespera and Gina arrived at the inn, they asked me about the five people I had taken with me, so I explained to them that I had found out who the leader of the bandit gang was.

Vespera informed me that she had seen a mansion where she felt a lot of people inside, which turned out to be the place where they were keeping the kidnapped victims, but there was no way for her to know that at the time.

Gina said she had seen a pair of people with the same white hoods walking around, but after she tailed them for a few minutes, she deduced they weren't a threat, which was incorrect.

Since we didn't have any information as to when they were moving the victims, I thought it would be best for us to free them all that same night. However, I still needed to meet with the sultan to make sure that he wasn't part of the Sand Cobras.

The bandit I captured didn't mention anything about him, but I still wanted to make sure.