Melina’s New Friends

It had been a few weeks since Ichiro went to help with the war against Kalusia, and after Melina received his first message talking about lesser demons, she felt worried every day.

She knew that Ichiro was downplaying the situation so that she wouldn't worry, which meant that the battle was worse than she would have expected.

Melina knew Ichiro like the back of her hand. Even though they had only spent a little over one year together, she always felt like she knew everything about him.

At one point, she began having the same nightmares that she used to have before meeting Ichiro. Dreams where she found herself in another body, in another world, sharing memories with a man with the same name.

The princess always knew that her dreams had meaning to them, but she could never remember their most important details as her mind would get quite foggy after waking up from such dreams.