Sephyr’s Reinforcements

It had been two weeks since we defeated the golem at Howlsridge, and most of the beastkin villagers that didn't want to fight were sent to the Droman Empire as refugees, where the princess would receive them to give them accommodation.

The two armies that were pushing from the south and north sides had managed to pass the border walls after a long battle, so we had all of our main forces inside enemy territory.

I was reunited with the empress at one of the tents where we were looking at a map of Kalusia, deciding our next move, when I got a message on the voice crystal from King Leon back at Sephyr.

[ Ichiro, I hope you are staying safe out there.

Our reinforcements should arrive soon, at least the first half of them.

Good luck out there. We are all rooting for you!

Please… be safe…]

"Reinforcements!?" I shouted, catching the attention of the empress.