Fueling the Flames

My battle with the buffed Zagor kept going, and I was using my bo to reduce his stamina as he continued a non-stop barrage of attacks, some of which managed to hit me.

At one point, the devil landed a punch in the back of my head, making my awakening waiver for a brief moment as I almost lost consciousness.

Zagor used that small window of time to run and tackle me, grabbing me by the arms and rushing straight at the wall that led inside the castle.

As my body crashed with the weight of Zagor's body pushing me, he broke the wall with my back and kept pushing me through the partitions of the castle, passing by and demolishing five or six different rooms until we reached the back courtyard.

Still suspended in the air, Zagor maintained his grip on one of my arms and threw me down to the ground like a rag doll, making me land on my back and creating a small crater on my landing spot.