Safe Return

After we returned to the academy, the students from my group approached me with worried expressions, asking me if I was okay as there was still blood staining my suit.

"I'm alright, guys. I already had a healing potion…" I replied to the group.

The other students were talking to their professors, some of them still agitated from the events.

When we got attacked by the werewolves, I sent a message to Melina and my companions, asking them to help the other teams that we weren't keeping a watch on.

Nonetheless, it seemed like I underestimated the professors since Melina told me that when she got to the other team, Professor Bruno had already killed the monster. Thanks to that, the princess was able to get to my position and support me sooner.

The headmaster gave everyone present a few days of rest, telling us to recover and return to classes when our minds had calmed down.