Nexa, the Secret Devil

After I followed the pink-haired girl outside the arena, she was sitting alone under a cherry blossom tree when I asked her who she really was.

Nessa widened her eyes with surprise and a bit of fear, so I tried to calm her down a little.

"Look…" I said, showing her the relic around my wrist that desperately pointed at her.

"Wh-what is that?" she asked, more nervous than before.

"Well, I'm not sure. But it keeps pointing at you, so tell me, what are you hiding?"

"I…" she spoke up with a tear forming under her eyes.

"Okay, stop!" I exclaimed.

Letting out a tired sigh, I stood up and extended my hand towards the girl to help her stand up.

It didn't matter how suspicious I was. Making a girl cry always made me feel like a complete asshole.

'Let's think of a better question…' I thought.

"Do you know a man named Jackson?" I asked, making her a bit nervous again.

"Y-yes. I think I do…"