Intermission (Part 1)

During Lucas and Nessa's battle, my focus was briefly interrupted when I felt my relic bracelet moving for a quick second.

'Huh? What was that?' I thought.

Still, when I looked back at the participants, I noticed that Nessa stopped in her tracks whilst holding her chest with apprehension.

"No, please…" Nessa muttered

Seeing her state, Lucas understood that something wrong was happening to her and stopped attacking.

Everything was happening very quickly, and the last time that I saw Nessa in pain like that was when her demonic energy overflowed from her body.

I exhaled deeply, using wind and water magic to create a dense mist on the arena that hid Nessa and Lucas from the spectators.

Then, I jumped in and grabbed Nessa's arms, teleporting us both to the Ryuken Garden, where we first met.