The Finals

The sun was starting to set in the City of Kyotora, and the fighters for the final were called into the arena.

Yuki stepped in with confidence, looking much happier than before after talking with her family.

Lucas didn't look any different as he stepped onto the platform with his head high and a slight smile on his face.

"I want you guys to know this. It doesn't matter who wins this match… We already won the tournament, so show these people what you can really do." I said to the two combatants who were standing before me.

My students smiled and agreed with me, and after waiting a few more minutes for the spectators to place their bets and get to their seats, the match began.

It was an explosive start as Yuki and Lucas launched themselves at each other, creating a shockwave of wind and shadows that surprised the crowd.

From the center of the explosion, the two fighters emerged, avoiding their opponents' attacks and countering with their own.