
We spent our last day in Kyotora building a small home for ourselves, where we could place the teleport crystal for the time being.

I thought we would give it to the palace at some point in the future to improve their trade relationship with Sephyr, but it wasn't the time for that yet.

Until the king got his stuff figured out, I wouldn't allow Sephyr to deal with corrupted nations.

All of the students were sightseeing and touring the capital, even Nessa, who seemed to have a weakness for sweet things and stopped at almost every dessert stand.

At one point, Melina and I halted the secret devil.

"Hey, Nessa, what are you going to do after this?" I asked.

"Hmm, I suppose I'll keep traveling and raising my adventurer rank…" she said, unsure about her answer.

"Why don't you come with us?" Melina interjected, making Nessa widen her eyes in surprise.

"Huh? Me? Are you serious?" the pink-haired girl asked in disbelief.