Elves in the Forest

After meeting the elves who were camping in the forest, I noticed that some of them were hurt with their wounds covered in cloth.

When we offered them healing potions, the group of elves relaxed, though I could tell they didn't trust half of our party.

Darfin recognized Melina's name since Eve, the elven princess, talked a lot about her.

Apparently, she had mentioned me in her stories, too, but the elves still didn't believe me at first when I told them my name until Melina stepped up.

Nevertheless, after a few minutes, the commander opened up on what had been transpiring in the Lunar Forest the past few days.

"We found these destroyed areas of the forest not long ago, and we decided to hunt down the culprit…" Darfin explained.

"Yeah, we've seen quite a few of those scorched-down zones. What is it anyway? A dragon?" I asked.

Darfin shook his head and commented that a dragon would have wiped them out by now.