Elves' Secret Password

After Salamandra retreated from the beating my group was giving him, I reunited with the elves who were in the trees watching the exchange.

They were all unscathed from the monster, which was a good thing, and when Darfin approached me, I thought he would be thanking our group.

"I'm going to have to ask you people to leave this area. It's not safe…" the elf commander said.


"I'm saying. Salamandra will return sooner or later to attack us again, so it's best if you leave." Darfin continued.

"Darfin. Are you some sort of dumbass?" I asked, making the elf widen his eyes with indignation.

"A wha-…?" 

"You just saw us fighting the monster to the point where his master had to come to pick him up, and you are asking us to leave?" I asked.

"If you people die here, there is no telling what the humans will try to do to us next!" he exclaimed.