
Right after Drakzen cast his strange spell that momentarily took away all of our senses, he escaped and took the two greater demons Vespera captured with him.

Salamandra's corpse was left behind, which was a bit relieving since we knew it wouldn't be coming back to life.

Still, I was feeling incredibly frustrated at the fact that Drakzen escaped again.

As I slowly calmed down and shut off my awakening transformation, our entire group turned to look at Yoru, who was in his human form, looking indifferent.

"So… What the hell happened here?" I asked my two companions.

"Garon gave Yoru a task, so naturally, he is now a Legendary Beast," Vespera vaguely explained.

"Huh? Just like that? In the middle of a fight?" I continued.

Yoru wasn't saying a word, so Vespera elaborated and told me everything that had happened to them.

Apparently, during their fight, they were pulled to god's realm to speak with Garon, who offered the title to Yoru.