Migration Protocol

The night that we arrived at the border of Balinesia, we had to wait at the walls for some time while the guards completed the immigration paperwork for the families we escorted.

Out of all the countries we visited, Balinesia was the only one that had a very strict method for immigration.

Basically, any time that outsiders arrived at their borders with the intention of moving into their country, they had to go through a series of interviews to determine if they were good citizens.

I didn't think it was the most effective method, but it was the best they could do to avoid bringing in criminals from other nations.

When it came to visitors that wouldn't be staying forever, like my group, we had to tell them how long we planned on staying in Balinesia. Then, they would write it down on their records.

If we overstayed our welcome, they would send guards to look for us and deport us, which I thought was a bit severe.