A Peek of the Future

As Sage Astra kept explaining to us how Louie developed his own version of "time magic," she moved on to tell us about the use of the crystal ball.

After Louie became a sage, Astra studied his time magic and read about the crystal ball relic in an ancient tome.

She said that it had been hidden in a cave in the frozen wastes of the Northern Empire and that it had taken her an entire year to find it.

Once she had it, she returned to the tower with it and practiced Louie's magic on it. She read on the tome that only magic that could control time would work on it, so she kept trying until she got the results she wanted.

"Louie's magic can only bring a person to a past state, but not years. At most, he can bring them ten minutes to the past…" she said.

'Well, that sounds logical. Making someone's body go back a few years to make them younger would probably require an excessive amount of MP…' I thought.