The Dwarven Nation, Durinhold

The following day, after relaxing in the town of Lakewake, we continued our flight to Durinhold, the dwarven nation.

We could see the white peaks in the distance, but we didn't realize how incredibly tall it was until we got closer.

'Even if we wanted to fly above it to reach their country, I don't think it would be that simple…' I thought.

When we descended to the ground, we saw a camp with a few tents right beside the white rocks at the bottom.

Two dwarves were sitting under the shade discussing with each other, and when they saw us approaching, they hastily stood up.

"Hi, excuse me. We are looking for the entrance…" I said, waving at the two dwarves.

"Aye, Domi. Ye heard that? They are looking fer the entrance! Ahahaha!" said one of the dwarves to his companion.

"Aye, I heard it, Romi. Maybe they are greenhorns around here!" his friend replied, letting out another laugh.