The Dwarven King

After Dulmar guided us through Rockvalley, we arrived at the king's castle, which was the most humble palace we had seen.

It's not that it was small, but the others were so expansive that it made this one look tiny.

The guide asked me to raise my dwarven coin in front of the gates, and they opened up magically like the stone doors to the underground tunnels.

In the very first room, we found ourselves in front of an empty throne as we waited for a few minutes for the king to show up.

"King Skadan III" (the third). Exclaimed Dulmar as the dwarven king walked into the room.

The dwarf had a long, white beard and wore a resplendent crown, probably the shiniest I had ever seen.

Even though he was one of the oldest-looking dwarves I had seen, his bodybuild looked healthy and robust.