Night of Liberation (Part 2)

After taking care of Guo Yang and leaving his unconscious body at Zhao Lan's residence, we still had one more person to visit.

His name was Wang Tao, and all we knew about him was that he was the one who brought his slaves for sale early to the theater.

Surprisingly, his mansion was a bit smaller than the other two we visited previously, although it was still much bigger than the other normal homes.

Only one guard was at the gate, so we took him without knocking him out to an alley nearby and started asking him questions.

He told us that Wang Tao was the only family member who was staying at the residence that night, and when I asked how many slaves were inside, the man remained silent for a moment and said there were none.

"None? You expect me to believe that?" I asked.

The guard elaborated, saying that Wang Tao didn't like to call his servants "slaves" and would get angry if someone did it in front of him.