Yujun and Leslie

After exchanging more information with Lord and Lady Bao, we told them to keep treating the two kids as they were before so that nobody would suspect them.

I knew that they trusted their servants and vice versa, but we couldn't be too risky, considering we were in a devil's domain.

I just didn't want them to go around calling Yujun "my prince" or something, as it would just put him in a lot of danger. Of course, they agreed.

I told Lord Bao to act naturally at the palace and keep doing his usual job. Even if he heard there was a commotion caused by us, I wanted him to keep acting the part.

My main reason was that I didn't want to put the Bao family and their servants in danger, and even if the man brought a whole squadron of soldiers with him, it wouldn't matter against Melina and me.

When he asked us what our plans were, our only response was. "Free the slaves and kill the devil, of course."