
After guiding the Xuanji nobles to a street that was mostly abandoned, the man asked if we were going the right way.

"Ah, yes. This is just a shortcut," I replied.

The street we were walking on used to be a district for middle-class commoners, so the houses weren't large, but they were still quite pretty. Still, they were all abandoned as all the commoners were driven out.

At one point, we turned into a dark alley, and as soon as the couple turned, we covered their mouths and placed our weapons on their necks.

I was holding the man, and as he started flailing his arms and muttering to let him go, I squeezed my hold on his neck harder to shut him up.

The woman, who was being held by Melina, seemed more confused than scared about the situation.

"Are you the Xuanji that has been torturing two little kids on the outskirts?" I asked.