Ichiro’s Diversion

After feeding the holy panacea to Empress Chunhua, the woman regained her skin color, and her dried, chapped lips healed back up.

"Wh-what… happened…?" she asked as she inspected her healthy hands.

"You were cursed by a devil, but my potion was able to cleanse it, so you shouldn't be feeling any pain," I replied.

"How is this possible? Who are you?" the former empress asked.

"My name is Ichiro. I'm here to kill the devil that messed with this country…" 

The woman looked confused, which was a pretty normal reaction, but I still urged her to get up from the bed and meet up with the other prisoners.

I held my hand to help her get up as a sign of respect and led her out of the room, where her son was waiting for her.

Seeing his mother standing up and walking made Prince Renjun shed a few tears as he hugged her, and while it was a wholesome moment, I needed them to move quicker.