The Hidden Villagers

After Drakzen absorbed the corpse of the Accursed Beast right in front of us, he cast a shadow spell that blinded us for a brief moment, allowing him to escape without leaving a trace for us to follow.

*sigh* "I freaking hate that guy…" I muttered.

Now that he had seen us there, it was evident that he would tell Baelzor, so our cover was blown.

However, we were already on the west side of the northern continent, which was our priority to get there without being noticed.

If we had gotten found out as soon as we arrived, then traveling to this side would have been much more difficult.

A few minutes after Drakzen left the scene, my group and I were looking for a secret entrance that could take us to where all of the survivors were located.

The town looked wholly abandoned and destroyed, but our "search" spell kept telling us that there was a large group of people standing right where we were.