Searching for Survivors

The following morning, inside The Pit, Rio and Lampart took me to the first ring, where the warriors were getting ready to go out and look for more survivors.

They usually split into dozens of small groups and traveled opposite directions to cover more space. However, they were planning on going with large teams this time.

The main reason Rio and Lampart had to hide from the brainwashed soldiers was because they were a much larger group, and they were also being led by an Accursed Beast.

Still, if they were lucky enough to get attacked by the soldiers without any help from a beast, they believed they could capture them alive and bring them to the prison in The Pit.

While I was looking at all the warriors armoring themselves and choosing their weapons, I spotted Helena, the woman who showed me her memories of her husband being brainwashed.

"Are you going, too?" I asked as I approached her.