The Dragon Family Tree

Three days after the collapse of The Pit, the construction of our small, improvised warrior village was finished.

By the time we were done, we still had over 1,500 brainwashed soldiers, who we kept in the large building before treating them with the new potions.

We received messages from Sephyr and Droman confirming the safe arrival of the refugees we evacuated, and apparently, Grul and Dan wanted to stay in End Forest helping the alchemists.

The boy and the imp always wanted to travel to different parts of the world, so I saw no reason why I would ask them to come back.

During the construction of the village, Melina and I went into the ruins of The Pit to get the magic quartz that was left there, which was attuned to End Forest.

We didn't want to leave it there since the devils probably knew of its existence, and it was basically a backdoor to our home, so we stowed it away.