Meteor Shower

As I lowered the Iron Capital back to the ground, I not only had to support the weight of the city but also fight against the Earth Dragon's magic, which kept pulling the city upwards.

However, when the other dragons interrupted their sibling while the two sages lent me their strength, it made the lowering of the city much more bearable.

Since Baelzor was dead, all of the ice knights that were fighting in the outskirts weren't needed anymore, so Frost decided to leave his post in the backlines and help against the Earth Dragon.

When the city was placed back into its crater, the two sages and I stood at the top of the castle, where we tried to catch our breath.

Looking up, I could see Frost, Arashi, and Fuego flying all around the area as they fought against their sibling. Suddenly, the Earth Dragon started to fly away westbound.