The World Titan’s Magic

When nighttime arrived on our first day in G'Henna, the soldiers that were being teleported to our location had stopped, and we literally had thousands of people in that area.

Most of them were split between their groups, but I saw some of the soldiers from different nations talking with each other and having a good time, which was nice, considering the situation we were in.

The World Titan ended up fighting the massive Primal Demon the entire night, so people didn't really get much sleep, as they were afraid the battle would make the two massive beings stumble upon us.

Vespera was awake the entire night to guard the place, and the next morning, we began to move some of the soldiers forward outside of the coast.

It took the entire day, but by the time the second night arrived, we had over half of the soldiers deeper into the mainland, and the devils' castle in the distance was visible from our new base.