The Final Stretch

After almost all of our army had advanced through the lost continent, we reached a hill where we could see the massive castle in its entirety, and the size of the structure only got more prominent the closer we got.

Vespera had a few of her spiders nearby, and since she could see everything the little ones did, she told me about the massive space inside the castle beforehand. Still, my brain couldn't imagine the size until I saw it for myself.

"It's basically the size of a mountain…" Vespera commented, explaining that she had found four different entrances at the bottom. However, the gigantic doors seemed to be sealed.

There were absolutely no devils wandering outside the castle walls, but Vespera could sense an overwhelming amount of demonic energy coming from within.

The castle's base was broad, but the top was very thin, making it look as if the structure had an antenna, which gave me a bad feeling, although I couldn't tell why.