The Gem Link

After witnessing the memories of the first sage, my attention was fixated on the Gem Link placed on the other side of the room.

Alejandro and his companions were trying to stall the devils while they waited for the gem to be completed by the moon mages, but when they ran out of time, Alejandro sank the whole continent.

While his memories never made it clear what the gem's effect actually was, I knew that I had to take it with me, no matter what.

As I approached the glowing multi-colored stone, I gave a brief summary of what I had seen to my companions. The sight of the Lost Continent before being submerged under the sea was impressive, but it was wholly irrelevant to our current situation.

When I mentioned the strange portal that seemingly absorbed MP from the environment, Jackson and Nessa perked up, commenting that they knew what that gateway must have been.