After using the gem-link to stop Xalathas from summoning more hordes of demons into the world, the three devils in front of us seemed unbothered by my actions.
I thought that they would at least look a bit surprised or angry, but it was clear that the devils were expecting me to use the gem all this time.
"Excellent, Ichiro. Putting your life on the line is what this is all about…" Drakzen commented.
When I threw the gem at the portal, I could feel as if there was an invisible cord around my chest that was linked to the stone.
Drakzen quickly explained that my life had been used as the catalyst for the gem, so if I died, they could reverse the stone's effects, which would allow them to bring even more demons to our world.
"I'm not planning on dying…" I muttered, glaring at Drakzen.
"I just want to end this so I can relax with my wife," I continued, getting ready to rush in for an attack.