Continent’s Restoration

A few days after the end of the demon war, hundreds of workers from all over the world arrived at the Lost Continent. Crafters, blacksmiths, merchants, tailors, and even chefs visited the place through the magic quartz in their cities.

Everyone looked fired up to start helping with the restoration of the continent, and we had to split our workforce into different areas where their expertise would shine more.

Since we had to wait for days for the workers to arrive, Melina and I ended up building a small port town on the southern side of the continent. However, we needed the opinion of fishermen and seamen to find the best spot to build a harbor.

In the center of the continent, near G'Henna's tower, we began the construction of what would become the capital in the future, and since it was the first city where good demons would appear, we wanted it to be as beautiful as it could.