The Lord's Fake Choices (4)

The day of Second Inter-Clan Conference came almost in a blink of an eye.

Everyone from the 13 clans living in the Amber Forest are present. Even those who've been told to rest by the priests due to injury made no excuse to be in the open field. How can they miss something important like meeting their savior?

They honestly wanted to attend today's event even if they needed to crawl.

Seated in the rows of seats, thousands of moon elves and some orcs are silently waiting for the arrival of the moon elf lord. They trying their best to press down the excitement that they are feeling.

The patriarchs are sitting in their respective seats. Looking solemn for two different reasons, nervousness or anticipation. They all look in front of them where the stone platform is located. Their guts tells them that this is meeting is even more important than the first one and they are clueless how this will turn out.