The Stench Of A Rival (2)

A deadly silent trip that happened after that. The group of eight plus an unexpected add-on that goes by the name of Ali, rose the majestic serpentine dragon to go to the Middle Circle.

They slither through the woods of the Outer Circle. It won't be that long until they reach the border of the two woodlands.

Ilian was frowning. Xagrien has a chilling glint in his eyes. Together with Nicol who's got a dead expression on his face, all three of them sat to put distance between the moon elf lord and Ali.

'Why does it feel like the air is dangerous?' Olyn innocently wondered as he sat beside the moon elf lord. 

But he didn't bother to ask. He is busy attending to the needs of his lord.

"Would you like to wear some cloak, My lord?" Olyn asked Luis, ready to prop open his satchel that contains things for his lord.

They are whizzing through the forest as if they are riding a motorbike with nothing but thin clothes on.