I Don't Have Time For This Bullshit (5)

For anyone under his wing, Luis always sees to it that he always has a light and comfortable atmosphere around him.

It's not because he is naturally a kind person nor aspiring to be the patron saint of all gays who believe in true love.

He maintains a carefree and approachable aura in front of his subordinates simply because he hates all kinds of drama. He hates getting involved in quarrels and anything that's emotionally draining.

Luis abhors senseless arguments that would only bring him a foul taste in his mouth.

That was why most of the time, he always handled high-pressure situations with a cool head. He never let negativity get to his head and trigger his anger.

Pretty, smart, charming, and— to top it all off— unbothered. That is Luis Lee in the flesh.

Isn't he perfect?