Angel of Miller Industries

Nathaniel looked up at the same apartment complex and sighed. 

How many times had he gone to this same place to simply watch as the lights turned off and the unknowing residents of this apartment complex went soundly to sleep while he watched?

How many of the people he and Maya knew back then still lived there?

He recalled the mothers that would tell him to put a ring on it before Maya got tired of waiting. The men he would occasionally drink with, all of whom had been respectful enough to remind him about how lucky he was with life and love.

But, they didn't know the truth.

None of them had a clue that someone like Nathaniel De La Rue was their neighbor. 

Why would they? 

People like Nathaniel never went to tiny cities like Arlington, much less lived in a budget apartment complex like theirs. 

Such an idea would be absurd, it was the work of fiction, and yet here stood Nathaniel, watching as the lights slowly went off.