A Dance with Miss Miller

Maya was busy chatting with her family when the host announced that Mr. Alistair De La Rue had arrived. Maya was guessing that Jay would be with the CEO, she had scanned the room for her friend but he was nowhere to be found.

All the guests all quickly stood up as the doors to the main hall opened and a tall man with blond hair and piercing green eyes entered.

Maya never noticed how much Alistair and Nathaniel looked alike, they were even built similarly. It was probably a common De La Rue family trait, the blond hair and green eyes, even Gabriel had them.

That was why she was so worried that Nathaniel would realize that the boy was his. 

Those eyes were just too similar, the way they looked at you when they wanted something. It was so intense that even on a child it unnerved her and most adults. 

"He is quite a sight, isn't he?" Jay asked, making Maya jump as she turned and smiled to look at her friend. "Nice to see you, Maya."