Next Day Gossip

The arrest of Harold Miller, Gary Miller, and Oliver Wright filled the news the next day. 

It seemed to be all everyone could talk about especially when Maya arrived in her office the next day.

Having moved in with Nathaniel, he assigned her her own car, one that was quite ordinary, and her own driver. 

He refused to let Maya go anywhere alone, he said that it was better to be safe than to be sorry when it came to matters such as her safety.

After everything that had happened, Maya was certain that Nathaniel's fears weren't unfounded.

"So what happened?" Layla asked as she and Celia appeared next to Maya, linking their arms with hers.

"I heard that Gary Miller was behind most of it," Maya said, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm not surprised," Celia said, chuckling. "He's always been a slimy snake that one."

Maya nodded.