Marry For?

"We haven't— well I—" Maya stumbled over her words as she heard a snort from the driver's seat.

She glared at Katlin, who quickly recovered and had a stoic expression once more.

"Oh come on," Emilia grumbled.

"Don't push her, Emilia, I don't want Nathaniel blaming us for losing his wife," Ezra teased his twin.

"We aren't married," Maya corrected Ezra.

"Yet!" Emilia added again. "Nathaniel told his plans before leaving, find out if you're alive, yes that was a major worry of his because of Xander, then get you to forgive him, win you back, marry you, then have lots of little De La Rues with you."

"Clearly, not in that order," Ezra said as his twin giggled next to Maya.

"I don't mind that they didn't do it in that order," Emilia added. "We have an adorable nephew and now no one will pressure any of us into having children soon."

Maya blushed at the thought of their elders pressuring them to have kids.