Xander's Motives

Nathaniel quickly caught everyone up on the matter surrounding Clarisse Rue. It didn't take long since there wasn't much to say.

The matter had to be dealt with delicately, Jonathan Garcia was a monster, a well-connected monster, but a monster nonetheless.

"Fuck!" Ryan hissed to the side.

"Give up yet, kid?" Nathaniel asked, tilting his head to the side.

He was honestly amazed at the level of focus Ryan had when it came to his work. The young man hadn't lifted his head since the task was handed to him.

"No, but if you guys could bloody shut it, I'd be able to focus better," Ryan hissed.

"He gets temperamental," Nico shrugged. "Mind if we use an empty office or something? Or maybe we should go home first."

"No, I need access to their network and this laptop…" Ryan said as his eyes assessed the laptop he was typing on. "It's like nothing I've seen."

"Glad you like my little project," Ezra chuckled. "That's all me and no Nathaniel."