Regional Director

With danger looming Nathaniel made sure to savor every moment with his son and fiance. Winning the trial so easily and so quickly didn't sit right with Nathaniel, he feared and lying to every one admittedly made things more difficult.

He chose to be painfully honest with everyone around him.

That's what was causing him to pace across his office as he waited for everyone to arrive, as much as he wanted to have this discussion in his own home, he still had a lot of work to deal with.

A knock came from the door and he told whomever was on the other side to simply come in. 

"Anxious?" Jay asked as he entered.

"Quite," Nathaniel nervously chuckled as he gestured for his friend to join him.

Nathaniel had poured himself a glass of whiskey to calm his nerves. 

"What's up?" Jay asked him as the man poured a glass for himself as took a seat on Nathaniel's couch.

Nathaniel sighed and looked up at his friend.