Another Heir

Valencia, that family name for some reason sounded so familiar to Nathaniel. Something about that family name was very familiar to him.

"Did Michael know?" Emilia asked.

"He did," Clarisse was beaming as she announced that Michael had known he was a father. "He was so excited to meet his son. Our plan was to spend some time in Arlington to shake them off our trail then move in with my father until you were ready to return."

Nathaniel sat straight as he looked at Clarisse, "What do you mean until I was ready to return?" he asked the woman.

It had always been their intention to run away permanently, to the two young men that ran years ago, they knew that returning would be a death sentence.

"Michael never believed that you wanted to leave," Clarisse confessed as she looked down at her hands. "He thought you would run for a few years then go back to take your inheritance, he also knew that your grandfather wanted no one else as his heir but you."