Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Gaining The High Ground

The next morning I awoke feeling refreshed and relaxed. In the last three days I'd had more sex than in the last three months. I was definitely enjoying my stay in this world although I was still wondering when the other shoe would drop. The only people with inter-dimensional tech I was aware of were Sanctuary and the Celestial Alliance (according to some) and I had fully expected one or the other to show up sooner or later, but after several days I was beginning to believe they weren't coming.

I couldn't imagine for what reason they might have brought me here. I wasn't one of the authors, just a huge fan and enthusiast. I certainly couldn't rewrite worlds, which seemed to be the main reason they brought people here, and I didn't have an active mental pokedex, although I seemed to be remembering entries with uncanny detail. I also seemed to be able to cross-correlate what I saw with those entries very quickly, a skill which would likely come in handy. Clearly I had picked up something in my multidimensional journey but it didn't seem to be quite like the authors' powers.

It was also strange that they would dump me in Timbuktu without a reception committee. Every story I ever read had seen them bring people through where they intended except for...Wild Horses and Pokegirls... Could I have been brought here by accident? Was this the result of some league's experiment? For the life of me I simply could not think of any way to determine the cause short of finding someone in charge and asking them. In the end I took the lack of goths and other undesirables as my good fortune and stopped worrying about it.

A week passed quickly as I got to know my girls. The traps were bringing in plenty of meat, and Harley had a nose for greens so we even had some herbs for seasoning and a couple of dry salads. It was simple fare, but it kept us filled. I spent the rest of my time working with Scarlet and Friday on their English. Having exhausted things I could point at in the vicinity to teach them the obvious names of I started on the basic alphabet. Of all things, I used Magic cards to show them what the letters looked like.

They were both fairly bright and seemed to pick it up quickly. This soon became a competition between them, as I'd hoped it would, and within days they were speaking in sentences which, while broken, were still able to convey meaning.

Morale was high and the sex was great in both quality and quantity. I frequently woke up with a blow job in progress, since we all shared the hammock, and I tried to give them at LEAST one orgasm apiece every day. I'd always had a strong libido, but the edginess of being worried about dying combined with the nubile flesh regularly on display had my engine revving like it hadn't since college.

Fun fact about the Wolf Spider breed: Scarlet could use chi to control her hair like a Godiva and could cause it to cut itself. Instead of having to manually weave cloth she could simply grow out her "hair" and make it flow together into what she wanted then just separate the finished product from her silks. It was fascinating to watch her work.

I was reminded of this fact a few days after we'd moved into the underpass when I discovered I had no clothes left. Between us we'd managed to shred my shirt and pants over the course of several energetic romps. I mentioned this to Scarlet and after some explaining she produced a beautiful set of all silk clothing in minutes. They were patterned off my old clothes but were much more resilient being spider silk. They could have stopped a bullet and would at least slow down a knife. It turned out she could also change the color of her silks at will and the clothing she produced for me was a mix of browns, greys, greens, and blacks in blotches and stripes that would help me vanish in the brush.

After that I convinced her to make some modest clothing for herself and the other girls and she produced some beautiful, if simple, breast coverings and loin cloths for herself and Harley. They were both well made and supportive in all the right ways. I've always felt a properly revealing outfit could be even sexier on a woman than being fully nude and Scarlet solidly proved me right. Friday, on the other hand, adamantly refused to wear any clothing. I couldn't really blame her and didn't press on the subject once she explained the issues. Her canine physique mostly negated the need for the bikini top (not to mention she would need three of them stacked for full coverage) and the loin cloth would drag the ground when she dropped to all fours to run. Since her fur mostly covered everything I decided to drop the subject.

By now I'd decided we should just pick a path and head east. If we could make the top of the bluffs I would have a much better vantage point to see the surrounding area. Having decided a course I cut some green wood and built a smoking rack as described in My Side of the Mountain. I spent two weeks gathering and preserving as much extra food as I could given that I wasn't sure what we'd find on the way. I was particularly glad to find a walnut tree and set Harley to filling ziplock after ziplock with the shelled nuts. It took her a little practice and more than one dose of Honey to fix smashed fingers but she eventually got pretty good at smashing the nuts between two flat rocks to remove the meat. After the second day I even got her to put more in the bags than she was eating.

We made some water skins using plastic bags to line rabbit skins sewed together by Scarlet. She used sticky threads inside to bond the skins to the plastic as well. Her abilities truly shown in a survival situation like this.

There were some wild blackberry and raspberry bushes nearby and we plucked them clean with glee. The greatest prize, however, was a small cluster of great grape bushes I discovered while looking for places to set snares. I collected all the ripe berries except for those from one healthy-looking specimen. That one I wanted to take with us.

I went back to my truck and managed to cut out a large section of unmelted bed-liner with my pocket knife. (My pocket knife makes other pocket knives feel inadequate.) Then Scarlet pierced holes in it with her silks to stitch it together into a cylinder. Another round piece of liner served as a bottom. To finish it off she coated the entire thing liberally in sticky threads followed by silk cloth so it wouldn't stick to anything else. The result was fairly light and very sturdy.

We also made four backpacks out of my gym bag, the emergency blanket (Scarlet made us an incredibly light, soft, and warm silk replacement) and the skins of a family of skinks that Friday dug out of a burrow. Scarlet stitched it all together with her silks so I had no fear they would fall apart.

At my direction Scarlet spun out a trotline which we baited with chunks of meat and hooks made of thorns and silk (once again, My Side of the Mountain). We ran it out in the pond and from then on we added fish to our diet as well. Whatever we didn't eat I smoked. I was beginning to become amazed at just how much woods lore I had actually soaked up over the years just through reading stories.

When three of the backpacks were full of food, water skins, selected tools, and the emergency kit and the fourth was on my back holding a pot with a great grape bush in it we set out for the bluffs. The terrain was bottoms land. There were alternating flat and hilly parts built up and torn down by frequent flood waters. It was actually fairly easy going though. I was surprised at how little ground clutter there was until I started really counting how many rabbits I kept seeing. They were everywhere. They were so numerous they were actually keeping the grass below waste high.

In all our time at the overpass the only other feral we'd encountered had been a Skunkette whom Scarlet had sent packing without even telling me. (I wasn't really upset. I had no desire to tame a skunk.) This place, however, was prime territory for a carnivorous pokegirl. My harem all travelled with their ears up and their eyes watching around us. After the third time Harley tripped and fell I took the time to convince her to walk with her ears up and her eyes down to see where she was walking.

We made good time that first day and sunset found us nearing the bluffs. I decided we'd camp and attempt to find a path up in the morning. Then we spent about twenty minutes checking and cleaning each other of burrs and ticks. It would have taken WAY longer but Scarlet once again proved her usefulness by running her silky hairs over our bodies. Her fine manipulation allowed her to gently pull burrs off while holding the surrounding cloth, skin, and hair in place to prevent pulling. This was most useful for Friday whose leg hair had been getting thicker by the mile with the things. For ticks her fine silky hairs were small enough to widen the openings in the skin where they had thrust their heads through and then pull them right out. It was briefly uncomfortable but still the best way to remove a tick quickly I'd ever seen, leaving only a slight red mark and without making the tick spit more anticoagulant into the wound.

Now that we were closer I could see a forest at the top of the bluffs which meant there had to be water nearby. We hadn't encountered any creeks or rivers so far, but I knew they were here. I could hear birdsong from above and the gentle soughing of the wind through the trees.

It was a very peaceful place to camp. Friday set off to see if she could scrounge up some fresh dinner to spare our stores while Scarlet set to work spinning us a cocoon/tent between two trees. Taking advantage of the gently cooling air and the soft silk blanket I laid Harley under a tree and began kissing her while kneading her breasts. Did I mention one advantage of the wraps Scarlet created was easy access?

She was pawing at the fastenings on my pants almost before I got started, moaning and arching her back into my caresses. Moving below the equator I brought her to her first orgasm quickly using a trick I long ago discovered with my fingers before moving into her batter's box. As I slowly shoved my man meat inside her she squealed in ecstasy. I love a girl who gets vocal during sex.

I rolled her onto her side where I could get some good leverage and began slamming myself in and out of her with gusto. Harley was bucking under me and crying out with each thrust.

When I felt arms sliding around me from behind I figured Scarlet had finished with the tent and wanted her turn next. I tilted my head back with my eyes closed and offered her a kiss. She took my lips with passion and I thought she must have been catching some of Harley's pheromones on the wind to be getting so worked up. Then I opened my eyes and saw a complete stranger kneeling behind me with her breasts now pressed firmly into my back.

I paused in surprise. I really hoped she wasn't hostile. Harley let out a grunt beneath me and began humping herself on my cock, reminding me she was still there.

"Play with your friend laateeer," she whined, not caring in the least that the feral might be interested in eating us. To keep her from doing anything to startle the girl I began screwing Harley again. The new girl's smile widened and I could see normal looking human teeth which meant she wasn't a carnivore at least.

Using one hand to hold Harley steady while I continued thrusting into her I reached around with the other one and softly stroked the face of the girl leaning against me. She leaned into my hand and even kissed my palm letting me know she wanted to join in the fun. She was still too close to my face for me to see more than crystal clear lavender eyes and large luscious lips. I began working my hand down her body stroking her silky skin and forcing her to shift slightly away from me so I could continue in towards her breasts.

When she drew back a bit I could see wings like stained glass on her back and knew she was either one of the butterfly breeds or something from the Faerie family. I leaned in to kiss her again while stroking her breasts and teasing her nipples. While I was warming up the pixie I had kept pumping Harley and I occasionally brushed her clit with my fingers as I held her leg up over my shoulder. I could tell from her cries she was quickly approaching another peak so I really went to town on her clitoris while picking up the pace of my thrusts. As I felt her insides clench around me and release a flood of juices she screamed out her orgasm to the woods.

As soon as she relaxed I pulled out and laid her on her back to turn my full attention to the winged girl. Now that I got a good look at her I saw she had a bewitching upturned nose that matched the eyes and lips giving her a very pixie-like appearance. Her ears tapered to long upward points. It was hard to tell with her kneeling, but I guessed her to be somewhere around five feet tall with mouth-watering C-cups and a perfect hourglass figure. Her hair was an interesting sea foam green. The ears made me lean toward her being something from the Faerie family.

I picked right back up where I left off but with two hands instead of one and my tongue as a bonus. I gently twisted her right nipple as I took the left one in my mouth and played my right hand across her stomach in sweeping arcs. She arched her back thrusting her tits forward. They tasted of wild growing sweet things and she smelled like fresh honey suckle.

As I moved my hand down past her waist and began teasing her by stroking her thighs she squirmed back and forth trying to get me to touch her secret place. I continued warming her up like a violinist preparing for a concert...a stroke here...a nip there... My tongue raked up the valley between her breasts and swept across her right nipple before I moved to place slow sensual kisses on her collar bone and at the hollow of her throat. She writhed and moaned in response reaching to my still rigid member and pulling on it, urging me toward her center. I tested the waters with two fingers and found her more than ready.

For a moment I worked her passion with my hand while I decided how to play this and then quickly flipped her over placing her face right above Harley's dripping quim. She started to protest but it turned into a growing moan as I slowly but continuously sank my shaft into her tightness until I bottomed out. She was snug but well lubricated and I started shifting in and out of her at a leisurely pace while stroking her sides, thighs, and stomach and frequently played a hand across her clitoris. She moaned lewdly and sensually as I ravaged her and then began cleaning out Harley's love box with her mouth.

Harley was halfway awake when she started but within minutes was twitching and moaning her way toward another orgasm as the pixie girl playfully lathed her womanhood inside and out with her tongue and employed fingers and even teeth to good use. The sight was so erotic that I knew I wasn't going to last much longer so I shifted a little higher and angled myself down into the girl. She almost immediately started cumming as I stimulated her G-spot and the increased heat and moisture combined with the clenching muscles threw me over the edge as well.

I continued pumping for what felt like ages but was probably only twenty or thirty seconds before my spent manhood started shrinking again. (I'm a grower not a shower.) Before it could pop out of the girl though a soft bundle of silk wrapped around the base of the shaft. There was a brief sensation of warmth and I was suddenly hard as a rock again. I turned my head to see Scarlet standing nearby.

"Sorry," she said. "Not see her first. She behind you. Not want her hurt you. I no attack. I wait. You fuck new sister now. Then me." She said that last bit with a smile.

I knew many stories talked about how jealous some pokegirls could be, but the ones I'd picked up so far all seemed to be happy to please each other and myself. It might have had something to do with how frequently we were having sex. It was group sex most of the time and I encouraged the girls to work on each as much as I worked to please each of them. Apparently she liked the look of the pixie girl and wanted to have sex with her too.

Upon review I realized that I had lucked out in several parts. Friday was a pack creature by nature and seemed generally happy-go-lucky. Wolf Spiders are actually known to be one of the cuddliest of the spider breeds and are always willing to kiss and make up with harem mates. Harley was a simple Bunny Girl. She just couldn't string together thoughts big enough to build a head of steam against anything or anyone. In short, every girl in my harem was a team player.

So I fucked the new girl's brains out until she fainted after her fourth orgasm. Then I did Scarlet. Then Harley again. Then Friday when she came back with a brace of coneys. I was exhausted but satisfied by the time Scarlet stopped dosing me with her venom.

Surprisingly I was not as worn out as I was after the first time I tamed with Scarlet. Say whatever else you will, but having vigorous sex multiple times a day for several weeks is one hell of a workout routine for the arms, legs, and core. I had actually converted some fat to muscle over the last few weeks and while my abs hadn't attained definition yet I could tell they were getting a lot stronger.

By the time I was done with Friday Scarlet had dinner ready so we all ate a simple but tasty meal before retiring to the tent for the night. The pixie girl, who turned out to be a FaerieCute, was a vegetarian like Harley so I decided we'd need to do more searching for fresh greens as we travelled. Harley's pack was mostly full of clover, sweet grass, the berries we'd picked, and some wild potatoes we'd lucked upon in what must once have been a farmed field. Split between the pair and with a little to leaven a pure meat diet for the rest of us it would now only last days, perhaps a week if we stretched it. They could both go a few more days eating just the great grapes we had gathered but I was hoping to save those in case of injuries.

Those were worries for another day though. Scarlet sealed the cocoon and we all drifted off to sleep snuggled together in a nest of silk.