Teaching (1)

"A melee dealer?"

Baekje-ho muttered with a look on his head.

This was the same for Baek Ha-yeon, who had been trained as an assistant dealer under her father.

"Anyway, good job."

Seo Mun-yeop started jogging again.

After he left, Baek Ha-yeon asked.

"Dad, is it right for me to train strength and swordsmanship?"

"I do not know."

Baekje-ho also shook his head.

But then he said.

"But if Yeopi is like that, that's it. That's for sure."


"Nevertheless. The way I taught you was actually the way Yeop trained me."

When he saw his daughter, who had the same teleportation superpowers and quick agility, he identified himself with him.

He was also a melee dealer, but it was like a kind of secondary dealer who focused more on the tactical role of hitting and running and disrupting.

So I taught them the same way, but Seo Mun-yeop seemed to recognize that the other daughter had more talent.

"Then I'll have to do strength training and change my schedule to focus on swordsmanship."

"You can do that later, or go jogging now."

Then, Baek Je-ho pointed at Seo Mun-yeop's back with his chin.

Baek Ha-yeon nodded with an aha expression on her face, and then started running after Seo Mun-yeop.

"I'll go jogging!"

Baek Ha-yeon ran beside Seo Moon-yeop and started to say something.

Perhaps it was begging to be guided in training.

'I have to drag you into the battlefield like this.'

Baekje-ho did not give up yet.


Baek Ha-yeon caught up with Seo Mun-yeop as he jogged.

"uncle! Let's run together."

"Sniff sniff, I can smell Jeho's plan."

Baek Ha-yeon now hates Seo Moon-yeop, who has a 100-level notice.

"Hey, if you said something, shouldn't you be held accountable?"

"Isn't it normal to ask Jeho to learn swordsmanship?"

Seo Mun-yeop is a spear and shield.

Baekje-ho is a sword.

No matter where you looked, Baek Je-ho was the right person to be your swordsman master.

"The person who taught you was your uncle?"

"...that's outdated. Battlefield is a sport. Sports, like sports, must have more scientific training methods."

The method of teaching Baekje-ho was simple.

just practice.

I thought that as long as I knew how to move and where to attack, my body would learn how to use any weapon.

And in fact, I was convinced when I saw Baekje-ho's skill level go up.

"I have learned enough of the basics of swordsmanship. The rest is to learn your own tricks through actual combat, and that's what your uncle teaches you well?"

Seo Mun-yeop was more and more speechless as the request was made quite logically.

If you just say you don't like it, it's obvious that you'll get angry.


I couldn't.

'In fact, if it's just teaching, there's no reason to refuse.'

There wasn't much to do anyway, so there was no reason why I wouldn't like teaching my cute nephew for exercise.

I just hated the black heart of Jeho who kept trying to entice him to the battlefield.

'Anyway, he's a troublesome guy. Why are you so mean to me?'

Baek Je-ho was a friend who had no intention of achieving anything using Seo Moon-yeop.

'Do you really want to see me at the top again?'

Baek Je-ho cherished Seo Moon-yeop as a friend, but also respected and admired Seo Mun-yeop as a superhuman.

Seo Moon-yeop knew that well. You can tell just by looking at that cheesy documentary.


Since the pro league was over and the winter break was over, Baek Ha-yeon decided to spend the break at home.

So, I had enough time to receive intensive training from Seo Moon-yeop.


Baek Ha-yeon was armed with a black battle suit, holding a whip in her left hand and a sword in her right hand.

It was the same armed as it was in the game.

Seo Moon-yeop also raised his shield again after a long time, but he was still dressed in training clothes.

Baek Ha-yeon frowned.

"You can get hurt, but are you wearing the battle suit I gave you, Uncle?"

"huh? Are you hurt?"

Seo Moon-yeop laughed as if he hadn't laughed in a long time.

Baek Ha-yeon's eyes widened.

"I can't hurt you with my skills, is this?"


Seo Moon-yeop smiled benevolently and nodded his head.

"And don't worry, my uncle is immortal."

"What is it."

"Anyway, for a week from now you won't use the whip you're holding in your left hand."

"Only the sword?"

"okay. The next week is a combination of whip and sword movements."

After thinking for a moment, Baek Ha-yeon nodded.

"It's outdated, but there's a surprisingly curriculum, right?"

'There must be one or two people who have taught me.'

Of course, most of them ran away along the way, but there was also the achievement of Baekje Lake.

In fact, Seo Moon-yeop, who had an analysis plan, had quite a lot of know-how because he was able to check whether the training was successful or not.

"Now, did you enjoy the cone exercise?"


"Then move left and right and swing the sword. One left, one right."

"Is that all?"

"It's enough if you're left or right. Where is the guy who gets stabbed in the front?"

Baek Ha-yeon tried to answer that she had seen a lot in the national team, but was afraid that she would be ridiculed again.

"Ordinary people can only move back and forth when fighting, but experts move left and right. If you snatch it with a whip and knock it off balance, the gap will always be on the side."


Seo Moon-yeop raised his shield.

"Come, come."

"You have to be really careful."

Although Seo Mun-yeop's fame had stung his ears, Baek Ha-yeon was worried because the old fist-fighting style and the constantly evolving Battlefield were different.

She moved lightly once.

Whoosh, whoosh!

After moving left and right, he lightly swung his sword from the right.


It was blocked by the shield I had been waiting for in advance.

Seo Moon-yeop said.

"Why are you worried about me? If you don't take it seriously, you'll be hit with a shield?"


Baek Ha-yeon made up her mind and started swinging her sword again.

Baek Ha-yeon goes back and forth and pours continuous hits.

Seo Moon-yeop easily blocked all attacks from the left and right with his shield.


Baek Ha-yeon gritted her teeth and poured more rapidly.

The sword in his right hand struck left and right in an infinite trajectory.

Seo Moon-yeop's shield also followed the movement well.

"Are you mad? You don't have to do it regularly. Put in a fake and off beat! Don't just aim for the torso, head and legs! Cut as you see!"

"Are you hurt?"

"don't worry. Even if I wake up from death, I can't help but wake up."

Baek Ha-yeon opened her eyes.

From then on, a much more menacing knife cut unfolded.

I put a fake with my shoulder or eye and attacked the other side, or I spread attacks in an irregular pattern with a slight time difference.

However, Seo Moon-yeop, who blocked it, did not step back.

'What, what is it?'

Baek Ha-yeon gradually felt that the situation was strange.

The right to attack belongs to him, and Seo Mun-yeop is in a position to see and respond to it.

Also, a sword is lighter than a shield.

Even the hand holding the shield is the left hand.

He was wielding a sword with his right hand.


'Why does the shield follow so well?'

Seo Mun-yeop casually blocked the quicksword, which was unleashed at the best possible speed.

Even without making an evasive action, he blocked them all with his shield.

Of course, Seo Moon-yeop knew the reason.

'Sorry, but my agility is 97.'

Baek Ha-yeon, who has an agility of 90/90, could not surpass Seo Moon-yeop in speed.

"What are you doing? Do you think it's a shield-slapping game? Try killing me!"

Baek Ha-yeon kept shouting and provoking her, and Baek Ha-yeon used her energy and attacked.

After the training was over, I was exhausted and spread out.

Seo Moon-yeop nodded.

"Okay, let's repeat this for lunch and dinner."

"Twice more like this?!"

"Other than that, you do strength training on your own."

Baek Ha-yeon was in tears. The winter break has passed.

But she didn't know.

As a result of repeating the training at lunch and dinner that day, the fact that the skill went up from 63 to 64 by 1.

Seo Moon-yeop, who confirmed the analysis, was satisfied.

'As expected, it works.'

In addition to training with Seo Moon-yeop, Baek Ha-yeon did strength training whenever she had time.

Even while watching TV and resting, she stands on her hands with one finger, to the point where Han Seung-hee nags her for being crazy.

Second day.

Seo Moon-yeop, still wearing only a shield in his training suit, said.

"Today, let's increase the level of difficulty."


"I know if you try. Come on, come on."

Baek Ha-yeon started attacking. But this time it was strange.

The moment the sword was blocked by the shield, it felt like the sword was sliding.


Baek Ha-yeon was taken aback.

After repeating it several times, I could see what had happened.

The moment the sword touched, Seo Moon-yeop slightly rotated the shield, distorting the RBI.

Thanks to that, every time he swung his sword, he felt as if his strength was draining away.

'It's just blocking with a shield, but this kind of technique?'

It was a technique that was difficult to find from the tankers of the national team.

It's a level that drains the attacker's power just by blocking it.

I could understand now why Seo Moon-yeop laughed when he said that he could get hurt.

'Was the gap this big?'

Baek Ha-yeon felt resentful.

From then on, he was the ace of the national team.

Although he is the ace of a weak country called Korea, he was proud of his ability to work in the big leagues.

I don't know how much Seo Moon-yeop's skills are, but I didn't know that he would be so easily blocked.

However, in a way, it was a natural result.

Skill 100/100.

Seo Moon-yeop's technique had reached the pinnacle of humanity.

"What are you doing? Why are you slower than yesterday?"

"Because the difficulty has gone up!"

Baek Ha-yeon, who had risen slightly, shouted.

"okay? Does it look very difficult? It's annoying because the attacks don't work at all."


"It's fine. Let's keep going like this."

"What's perfect!"

"So you're not going to find a way to make the attack successful somehow. Now, try struggling, you idiot!"


Baek Ha-yeon screamed uncharacteristically for a woman and attacked again.

Seo Mun-yeop's education went smoothly.

From the third day, they were allowed to use teleportation.

Because of that, a much more dazzling onslaught unfolded, but Seo Mun-yeop also skillfully defended as he began to step forward in earnest.

After a week passed like that, from the 2nd week, I started using the whip as well.

"Now, remember. Your main weapon is a sword, not a whip. It's not a secondary dealer, it's a melee dealer."


"That doesn't mean that my career as a player has been meaningless. What I've been doing as an assistant dealer up to now is left to the whip in my left hand. Grab it with a whip and cut it with a sword. okay?"


"If you find one or two patterns that you can use right away by grabbing and cutting, this training will be a success."

"Yeah, I feel great right now. I think you can do well, Uncle."

'of course.'

Seo Moon-yeop looked at Baek Ha-yeon's ability as an analysis eye and muttered to himself.

Skill was now 66.

It was raised 3 times in a short period of time from the 63 I saw for the first time.

In addition, his strength increased by 2 from 61 to 63.

It was a great achievement for such a short period of time.

'I got up quickly thanks to finding the right position.'

Following Baek Je-ho, Baek Ha-yeon was also created as a work by Seo Mun-yeop.