Clubs (2)

By the time I watched all three dramas, the game was over.

"huh? Are you done already?"

The score came out on the big screen.

Seo Moon-yeop nodded.

'You're really weak.'

I was not surprised because I had already confirmed the difference in my current skills through the analysis.

Seo Moon-yeop called Park Jin-tae, the president of the association.


-Is it noisy around you? where are you?

"A stadium."

-Did you go to the limited unemployment game?


- Did you lose the game? I hope I'm not disappointed.

"I am not disappointed. I watched the drama."

- You went to the stadium and watched a drama?

"I really like having a smartphone. Anyway, since I'm going to buy limited unemployment, tell me that."

- You said you didn't watch the game?

"Hang up."

Seo Moon-yeop hung up the phone before it got too long, and went home leisurely.

two days after that.

Limited unemployment, which was eager to dispose of it, came to the negotiating table.

Under the mediation of Park Jin-tae, the president of the association, both sides, accompanied by lawyers, signed the contract.

The due diligence investigation on the team had already been completed by the lawyer introduced by Baek Je-ho.

"Please take good care of the team. The players suffered a lot because I was lacking."

The old president of Hanjeong Industries asked for help.

Seo Moon-yeop nodded.

"I intend to make the best team."

"I believe. It must be possible because it is the hero Seo Moon-yeop."

The acquisition price was 5.19 billion won, which was requested by Hanjeong Industries.

The circumstances seemed difficult, so it would have been possible if he had taken the time to ask for a cut, but Seo Mun-yeop didn't dare.

It started as a hobby, so there was no reason to dwell on billions (?).

If I had good money, I would have traveled all over the world and swept the money by appearing on TV or filming CF commercials.

Since he is a hero who saved mankind, it would not have been a task to draw tens of billions of dollars in a short period of time.

Or, there is a simpler way, which is to ask Baekje-ho to give money. Baekje-ho will gladly spit out whatever he asks for.

"Congratulations. With this, I became the owner of a professional team in the KB-2 League."

Park Jin-tae, president of the association, was very satisfied and offered a good word. He was delighted when Seo Mun-yeop showed interest in Battlefield.

"What is congratulations? Did anyone get congratulations for buying sweets?"

"It's not about sweets. If you congratulate me, why don't you accept it a little more docilely?"

"Well, okay."

"But how do you plan to run the team?"

"You just have to let them do what they do."

"Then what about you?"

"I'm going to check on the players from time to time."

"Yeah, I'd rather have a normal person run it."

"Anyway, since my business is over, I'll leave. Have a good life."

Seo Mun-yeop, who left the association, got on his bike.

Seo Mun-yeop, who recently got money, was thinking of buying a car, but chose a bike.

The reason was simple.


A black bike galloping with a heavy roar.

Seo Mun-yeop ran at breakneck speed with his hair flying without even wearing a helmet.

In the meantime, run the navigation application on your smartphone with one hand.

He even committed the atrocities of entering the highway by following the shortest route given by the navigation system.

Nevertheless, the only human being who can be confident.

It was the power of immunity.

No matter what traffic laws were violated, they were not punished, so they drove like crazy.

It was late in the evening, so the cars were crowded on the highway, but Seo Moon-yeop sprinted to the side of the road as if it were someone else's business.

People who had opened the windows and wondered what kind of madman he was were dazed when they saw Seo Moon-yeop's face.

Then I soon understood.

"Ah, it's Seo Moon-yeop."

"I heard that I received compensation and a pension, so I must have bought a motorcycle."

"Seo Moon-yeop can do that."

"I'd rather not wear a helmet. If you were wearing a helmet, you wouldn't know it was Seo Moon-yeop and the police wouldn't be chasing you."

People recognized the face of Seo Moon-yeop, which is also mentioned in history textbooks, at a glance.

He had been hearing about the achievements of Seo Moon-yeop for 17 years, so he was in the position that riding a motorcycle was all it took.

At the end of an exciting run on the clogged highway, we arrived at the clubhouse of Hanjeong Industries in Ganghwa Island.

The club house located in the middle of the mountain was quite large, but no matter how you look at it, it looked like it was made hastily by taking over a place that used to be a factory.

"Yeah, but it's nice because it's wide."

It was Seo Moon-yeop, who looked like a beggar, but tried to masturbate by saying that it was better than living in a cramped place.

"Who are you, whoa!"

At that time, a man who heard the sound of a motorcycle engine came out and recognized Seo Mun-yeop and was startled.

He was a man who appeared to be in his mid-thirties.

His impression was hazy, but seeing that he had a sturdy physique that didn't match him, I wondered if he was a superman.

just as expected.

-Target: Dongjun Choi (human)

-muscle strength 37/52

- Agility 38/55

- speed 42/60

- Endurance 36/61

-Spirit 66/72

-Skills 69/75

-Aura 70/70

-Psychic powers: recovery, inspiration

-Recovery: Heals the wounds of a living target.

-Inspire: Boosts the morale of those under his command.

It was a skill level that would have been a supporter during active duty.

Seeing that his latent talent wasn't very good, he must have retired without seeing the light of day.

Anyway, since he was a superman, it was assumed that his actual age was probably similar to that of Baekje-ho.

"I didn't expect you to visit us at such a late hour, owner. I heard that you signed a takeover contract today... I am Choi Dong-joon, who is in charge of directing."

As soon as I signed the contract, I didn't expect to run right here, the clubhouse was quiet and there was no welcome preparation.

Of course, Seo Moon-yeop didn't like such a welcome either.

"How old are you?"

Seo Moon-yeop suddenly asked.

"I am 44 years old this year."

"Then how old were you?"

"I was born in 1979."

Then Seo Moon-yeop looked at him saying, "I was caught."

"I'm 75 years old."

"yes? Oh, that's right."

So director Choi Dong-joon had an expression of wanting to say something.

Seo Moon-yeop continued.

"Are you 4 years younger than me?"

The tone of voice changed to half-words.



"Ah, yes..."

"From now on, I will call you Dong-jun."

"So be it."

Director Choi Dong-joon's face showed deep embarrassment and resentment.

The year of birth is definitely ahead, but the actual age is 13 years old.

But to Seo Mun-yeop, that didn't seem to matter.

In the end, it was director Choi Dong-joon who surrendered because he had no choice.

He did not have the guts to reply to Seo Mun-yeop, the owner of the club, whose statue was erected with King Sejong and Admiral Yi Sun-sin at Gwanghwamun Square.

"What about the players?"

"I am accessing the dungeon and practicing hunting."

"Is it dinner?"

The current time is 7pm. Usually, I thought it was time to rest after training.

"I am reflecting on my crushing defeat in the last match and I am training late."

Director Choi Dong-jun, who explained that, added that he felt sorry for him.

"Shall we say hello to the new owner and gather him?"

"I do not need. You can't interfere with training."

"Yes, thank you for your consideration."

Director Choi Dong-joon was relieved.

It was ominous when he suddenly talked about the 4-year age difference and spoke casually, but luckily the owner didn't seem to be picky.

This is because there were quite a few owner owners in this industry who felt satisfied by beating superhuman players.

"By the way, Dongjun ah."

"Yes, yes, owner."

Director Choi Dong-joon was a little taken aback when he was really called a younger brother.

Seo Moon-yeop said with a very benevolent smile.

"We're going to be together from now on, so feel free to call me hyung-nim."

"Well, excuse me then. The owner is more comfortable."

Director Choi Dong-joon was very embarrassed and flatly refused. Seriously, he hated 'Brother'.

Even so, it was fortunate that the way he spoke seemed to appoint him as a director.

"Yeah, do whatever you want. Then let's take a look around the building."

"Yes, I will guide you."

The two went around the clubhouse facilities.

A physical training center, a lodging for players, a restaurant, an office for the management team, a break room, and so on.

"It's worn out, but everything is there."

"Yes, space is scarce, so we have all the necessary facilities. The players' quarters are also very spacious."

It was a building that was used as a factory and warehouse, so one space was very generous.

After looking around like that, we finally arrived at the training ground where the access module and the screen where you could see the inside of the dungeon were installed.

"The players are training here."

The players were in the access module.

On the screen, I could see the players who accessed the dungeon fighting.

Looking at this, the two coaches give instructions into the microphone.

Coach Dong-jun Choi tried to call the coaches to say hello, but Seo Moon-yeop stopped him.

"Leave it alone."

"Ah, yes."

Seo Moon-yeop, who was looking inside, suddenly noticed something strange.

"There are only 11 connection modules?"

Director Choi Dong-joon's head lowered.

"Yeah, it was so expensive that we could barely get 11 for the main players."

They were really tearful writers.

No, he has the ability to recover, so it was difficult to understand why he was in trouble here when he worked comfortably with a high salary at the hospital.

'Since it has both recovery and inspiration, it's perfect for providing mental care after treatment for patients.'

Both were very welcome psychics at General Hospital.

'But I guess it's okay to leave him as director.'

Inspiring, the psychic power of boosting the morale of those under his command, was good for the director.

Knowing how to keep the morale of the players, at least the bond with the players would have been good.

Although the tactical ability seems to be poor considering the team is in last place every year.

That was just right.

Seo Mun-yeop did not want any great commander to appear.

You just have to take good care of the players you discovered and brought.

Coach Choi Dong-joon needs to keep raising the morale of the players and managing them.

"There are 14 players in total, right? What do you do with the rest?"

"The 2nd team players are resting at their accommodations after regular training."

"Good. Then call the boys from District 2 one by one."

"What are you going to do?"

"Interview one by one."

"Yes, I understand. I will call you to the break room."

Seo Moon-yeop waited in the break room.

There are a total of four players from the second team to be interviewed today.

But the truth is, I wanted to see Namgung Ji-hoon and Lee Na-yeon, whom I had seen at the stadium, but I didn't need the other two.

After a while, the player who came first after receiving the call just in time was Lee Na-yeon.

"This is Nayeon! Gu, owner, it's an honor to meet you!"

Lee Na-yeon.

22 years old.

With a small body that barely looked like 150 cm and cute big eyes, discipline was tightly held.

Do you think that little girl like that jumps 20 meters at a time?

'Poop, they really look like fleas.'

Seo Moon-yeop, who tried to hold back his laughter, glanced at Lee Na-yeon's right hand.

"You changed your weapon to a bow recently because your strength didn't increase after using a sword, right?"

"omg! How to do that..."

"I'm Seo Moon-yeop. I can tell just by looking at the calluses."

"Yeah, that's right."

His agility and speed were 70/79, which was acceptable by Korean standards, but his strength was weak at 48/48, so he could not play as a melee dealer.

The skill is also mediocre at 57/60, so the fate of the 2nd Army until now and in the future.

However, Seo Mun-yeop saw the talent of 79/100 speed.

"There must be a lot of trouble. No matter how hard I try, my skills don't improve."


Nayeon bowed her head.

"But it's okay. Because I will make you active as a main player."

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"The concept is the angelic girl Netty."


For a moment, Lee Na-yeon doubted her ears.

"Everyone is going to become a thief who curses twice."


"How about a ponytail as well? You will have fans."


Seo Moon-yeop's expression was so serious that Lee Na-yeon was even more confused.