Epilogue (1)

The king, who crossed the gate, was hit by Seo Mun-yeop, who followed him without any time to relax.


- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

The king shuddered with pain.

Even in the pain, I wondered. How the hell did you even get here?

Then, it dawned on me that Seo Mun-yeop was in a spiritual state with no material substance.

The king trembled.

-This guy is chasing me here!

-You bastard, are you mentally victorious while arguing and hiding somewhere?

The king hurriedly looked around.

The monsters that managed to escape through the gate were scattered in a dizzying manner.

- You came alone.

-however? It's okay, get hit more.

Seo Moon-yeop had no intention of prolonging the conversation.

It flies right in and heads for the king's head.

The king opened his mouth and tried to swallow it, but he did not stop and charged. If you want to swallow it, swallow it. If I swallow it, I will cut my insides with a spear.

before a head-on collision.

The king, stricken with fear, first turned his head to avoid it.

As if Seo Moon-yeop knew it, he threw a spear and tore the area around his left cheek.


-Turn it off!

The king could not bear the pain.

But I got hope.

'It's not difficult to get rid of this guy without Pietro.'

The combination of Seo Mun-yeop, who has the power to threaten the king, and Pietro, who supports in various ways, was dangerous.

However, without Pietro among them, the king had plenty of room to roll his hair.

'The wound is deep, so let's run away to a safe place for now and focus on recovery. This guy can't move through space and has no way to track me down.'

The king immediately unfolded the space shift and disappeared.

Seo Moon-yeop also released the spiritual body transformation.

"Tsk, this bastard ran away."

I collapsed and stuck the monster spear I was holding into the ground.

Looking around, the monsters were glancing at Seo Mun-yeop.

In the eyes of the monsters, Seo Moon-yeop was a small creature that looked appetizing.

However, judging from the fact that he had just beaten the king, he was also a dangerous enemy.

It was a sight that could not hold the galpi between the two sides. In a word, they were monsters wandering around aiming for fisherman geography after watching the king and Seo Mun-yeop fight.

All of them were dangerous monsters of an ancient species, but in the eyes of Seo Mun-yeop, who fought with the king, they were not enough.

"What you looking at? sudden!"

When Seo Moon-yeop shouted, the monsters hesitated and retreated.

Still, there were those who noticed that they might be able to catch and eat them.

Seo Moon-yeop picked up the monster spear again.

Then the monsters staggered back further.

In an instant, he transformed into a weapon and rushed at the nearby monster.

The twin-headed warrior fell victim to the example.



As one head is pierced by a spear, the other screams.

The other head was also hacked several times with a spear. The twin-headed warrior screamed and died from the agony of weapon spiritualization, which even the king could not handle.

The two-headed warrior died in an instant, and the monsters then ran away like the ebb tide.

Seo Mun-yeop, who was left alone, put the monster spear into the ground again and sat down.

"Throw it away, man? What now?"

The king had fled somewhere, and the abandoned world seemed quite vast.

It was not an ordinary dungeon, since no end could be seen anywhere in the east, west, south, or north.

'You can't go all over the place looking for the king, can you? It looks like it will run away again if I look for it.'

I remembered what the light in the beginning said and recklessly pursued it, but it seemed like this was the end.

'It's a success just by coming here.'

Seo Moon-yeop took out the Hearthstone from his bosom. It still had a lot of use left.

'If I go back with this, there will be traces of my movement, so Pietro will be able to track me down and come back.'

Seo Moon-yeop, feeling comfortable, used the Hearthstone.


"huh? Why not?"

No matter how many more times I injected the aura, the hearthstone didn't work.

"defective? Does that make sense?"

It was made by Pietro, so it couldn't have been a defective product.

I took out another hearthstone just in case. This time, it was a hearthstone to the small dungeon that Seo Mun-yeop used as a personal training ground.

But that didn't work either.

Seo Moon-yeop broke out in a cold sweat.

"Oh no, it scares people. Why can't these be?"

No matter what you do, what you can't do is not work.

Seo Moon-yeop began to feel the seriousness of the situation.

'It's not a coincidence that both return stones are not available. Are both of these broken? Because of the barrier that disturbs the coordinates that the king opened?'

It seemed like it could be.

However, Seo Moon-yeop's intuition was guessing differently.

'This is an abandoned world. It's a different place from other dungeons.'

A place that has been shrouded in veil for so many years.

It was a secret world that underground people who could explore the underground world could not find.

A place that has been seized and quarantined by monsters.

If so, it would not be speculative to say that a barrier-like device was installed throughout the abandoned world so that it could not be moved through normal space movement.

'Yeah, so I had to open it as a gate?'

Numerous conjectures that emerged were converging to the conclusion that there was no way to return to the original world.

'Then I can't go back?'

Embarrassment set in.




The king arrived far away from Seo Mun-yeop.

-I am such a shame!

Both the body and the mind were in a state of disrepair.

Auras were consumed in large quantities, so there was not much energy left.

I thought I was the best.

It was believed that he was the ruler who would reign over all things.

I believed that there was no longer anything I had to avoid in the position of the weak.

From the time he called himself King, he believed he would never submit to anyone again.

That trust was miserably shattered.

The identity that had sustained him for a significant period of his life had collapsed.

- can't forgive I can't possibly forgive you!

Moon-Yup Seo.

That bastard has been chasing this place, which is now his own world.

Even in this place where he dominated for a long time, he was now in a situation where he had to hide.

- I will definitely take revenge. How to defeat a strong enemy, I know. You just have to win like that again.

Human life is short.

It was a short time for a king who had already lived an immeasurably long life. He was able to endure enough.

- First of all, you need to take a break. I'll have to pick out some food to recover my energy.

The king wandered around looking for a monster to prey on.

Quite a few monsters invaded the ground and never returned, but the abandoned world was still inhabited by many monsters.

From the king's point of view, the number of dogs that had been over-breeding recently had been reduced to an appropriate number by this incident.

'When the number of dogs increases, the competition for survival intensifies, and among them, a stronger one emerges by preying on a lot. He's about to weed out, and that's great.'

After wandering around like that, the king found a suitable prey.

It was the realm of dungeon worms.

They dug burrows in the ground and lived in groups, and all I had to do was call them out and feed a few of them.

As always with dungeon worms, those who are pointed out by the king will readily become prey. It is a rule that has been followed for a long time.


The king roared.

It was a threat to the dungeon worms to come out of the ground and face the predator.


- These guys?

Dungeon worms did not respond.

The king was furious.

- How dare you disobey my order ?! Do you want to die!

Fury erupted once more.

The king's aura rose and spread a wave of rage.

But the king was unaware.

The fact that the wave of the aura that carried the anger was terribly weaker than usual.

On the other hand, the dungeon worms felt it enough. that the king is weak.

That the hurt now is an opportunity that will never come again.


A dungeon worm came out through the ground.

Only then did the king's anger subside.

-Ttsk, it's going to come out long ago, going against my heart.

grasp! Pak!

Two more popped out.

The king was very satisfied.

Just in time, I had to eat a lot to regain my strength. He was in a position to be chased by Seo Mun-yeop, who had come here to wait for it to recover naturally.

It was time for a quick bite to eat.

grasp! Pak! Pak! Pak!

When four more dungeon worms popped out, the king noticed something strange.

grasp! Pak! Pak! Pak! grasp! grasp! Pak! Pak! Pak!

Dungeon worms kept popping out.

In front of, beside, and behind the king.

When the dungeon worms kept coming out and besieging the king, he finally realized the situation.

- Eh, these guys?!

It was a rebellion of blood predators that had not been experienced for a long time.

Finally, the king realized that he had been hurt and looked funny.

And it was also true that he was weak.

-These guys!!




Dungeon worms attacked the king like bees.

The king roared like a beast and fought back.




Seo Moon-yeop, who had been sitting there thinking nothing of the shock, felt as if something had moved.


Looking around, nothing moved.

Even the monsters were frightened by Seo Mun-yeop and didn't even come close, and the wind wasn't blowing.

Seo Moon-yeop thought he was mistaken, so he turned off his nerves again.



Something else was clearly visible.


Seo Moon-yeop jumped up.


Something else moved.

Seo Mun-yeop finally realized what it was.

It was a monster window.

"what is this? Did you just move?"

Seo Mun-yeop looked at the monster spear stuck in the ground.

The monster spear was a weapon made by weaving the biological tissue of a monster, and it was an imperfect life form that maintained its life with mana stones.

A lifeform manipulated by combining body parts of various monsters like a chimera, a tool that cannot move or survive alone.

However, such a monster window moved alone.

No, I was trying to move.

The flinching was what the sensitive Seo Mun-yeop noticed that the monster spear was trying to move on its own.

Seo Moon-yeop held the monster spear in his hand.

thump thump.

A pulse-like pulse was felt from the monster's spear.


Life force overflowed from the monster spear.

Originally, it was a monster spear that was as good as dead even though the mana stone kept the cellular tissue alive.

But now it felt like I was alive.

'Is this crazy?'

However, Seo Moon-yeop did not feel bad about the monster window.

Thanks to this guy, I was able to defeat the king, so it was a weapon that was like one body.

'Could it be because I tasted the king's blood?'

Even if they were imperfect creatures, monsters were monsters.

It burrowed into the king's body countless times and tasted blood and aura in it.

Monsters instinctively crave them, so it could have been that the blood and aura of the King, who had tremendous energy, caused some change in the monster's spear.

Seo Moon-yeop focused on the monster Chang.

The monster spear wriggled again.

Although it couldn't move, the aura flowing inside it definitely moved.

The monster window was going somewhere.

Seo Mun-yeop intuitively felt where the monster Chang wanted to go.

The monster spear is where the most delicious prey is.

that's the king